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Your inquiry has been received by one of our customer service specialists and we will get back to you in a timely fashion. If you have another inquiry, please be sure to contact us again. If your request is urgent, please contact us via the call in support hours shown below.

More Customer Support Information

  • Our Amy's Customer Care ConciergeSM would be delighted to answer any of your product questions and help you with the online order process through our 800# or the "Contact Us" form below.  We are sorry that we do not accept phone orders other than for larger quantity orders.
  • If you don't want to give credit card information over the internet, place the order online and check the box labeled "I Will Call My Card # In" and then after your order is finalized, call us with that credit card # & expiration date during Customer Service hours.
  • You can place an order now with a future delivery date entered on the Customer Billing/Payment Info screen.
  • Please order through our web store so that you receive the E-Receipt, Order Confirmation, Order Status & Order Delivery Reports & Complete UPS Tracking & UPS Exception info.

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